Wednesday, December 3, 2008


My name is April Gauthier. I'm 15 years old. I live in Oshawa Ontario, Canada. I am in grade 10 and doing very well in school. I am currently living in a group home. I just recently got out of treatment for a drug and alcohol addiction. I am sober and clean for the most part. I am suffering from a Pycotic Depression. I am very open about my life and hope to share alot will all of you. I am a good person and have a great sense of humor. I have been in foster home basically my whole life. When I was 2-5 years old, I have been taking away from my mom, who has an alcohol addiction, and me and my old sister by three years were both taking into foster care. By the age od 6 and my sister 9, we were both put under the Crown-Award in the C.A.S. Growing up without my mom and dad was very hard for me. I got the worst out of it now then my sister did. My dad Kenneth has not really been much of a dad to my sister and I at all. He had tried to abuse me and my sister many times when I was younge. Anyways my mom has been a fairly good execpt for that she keep on making promises that she couldn't keep. She drank alot and letf me and my sister home alone. One day the C.A.S was contacted and we were sent in foster care. Anyways I was moved alot and then when I finally found a stable home it would soon be the last. Lucille Larochelle took me and my sister in. And we lived there for about 9 years now.

In Late August of 2007 I soon face the biggest challenge yet. I have been dating my best friend Dustin Fontaine for about 7 months. We are really close and we might even be in lvoe but who knows? Dustin is EMO and has a cutting proble, yeah! I do to but I can handle myself. Dustin would not stop cutting. Soon I find that he is very Depressed and needs some help. After finding a bottle of blood in his room, I soon think. Could I really live like this? So one day I decide it's time to move on and Break up. I thought he took it well but I guess not. I visted him when he got Haospitalized and told him not to do anything. The nest day I soon find out he killed himself. Now that was really hard on me and having his brother call me out on it, was very hard too. Taylor, Dustin's older brother was telling my it's my fault and blaming me for his actions. Already going through a depression I soon face suicidal thoughts. I start to believe what Taylor is saying and I break-down. It was very hard for me.

After that I turned EMO and face difficult chanllenges. I soon start up a drinking and drug problem. I drink every night and is high 24/7. I start stealing and lieing to my foster mom. I'm fight alot. I got charged for beating up this girl I hate Mom.

May 4th 2008 I make my way to Treatment located 12 hours away. After I finish treatment I am not currently living in a group home. Now I'm at school writting this.

Thats all about me.. Thankx, April Gauthier

1 comment:

§Čåßßïę§ said...

Holy crap dude you've been through a whole lot of shit Dx